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  • Welcoming New Patients, Moose Jaw Dentists

    New Patients Welcome

    Dental Treatments for the Whole Family

    Contact us for help finding an appointment that fits your schedule.

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  • Comprehensive Dental Services,  Moose Jaw Dentist

    Your Smile is our Priority 

    Comprehensive Dental Services in Moose Jaw Our compassionate dentists provide a wide selection of preventive, restorative and cosmetic dental services.

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  • Children's Dental Services,  Moose Jaw Dentist

    Your Smile is our Priority 

    Dental Care for Moose Jaw Kids We offer services for infants and children through adolescence to help them maintain good oral health today and into adulthood.

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Restore Your Smile

Crowns & Bridges

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Repair Your Smile

Dental Implants

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Treat Your Smile


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Straighten Your Smile


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Welcome to Aspen Dental in Moose Jaw

Our dentists and dental team are committed to providing you with the personalized dental care you need and deserve.

We offer an array of dental services and treatment planning designed to help you achieve your ideal dental health. With comfortable seating and entertainment, short wait times, dental sedation options and dental technology, we strive to make each appointment as comfortable and convenient as possible.

Our Practice Our Services

Moose Jaw Dentist

Meet Our Moose Jaw Dentists

Aiming for a healthier smile? Our team of dental professionals are here to help.

Our Dentists
  • Dr. Chris Geradts

    General Dentist

    Dr. Chris Geradts was born and raised in Regina, Saskatchewan. He graduated with distinction from the University of Saskatchewan in 1994. In 2000, he moved with his high school sweetheart and family to Moose Jaw, which has been home ever since.

    Dr. Geradts has continually trained in advancing his skills in all areas of general dentistry with an overall focus in biological dentistry. He has come to believe a person's state of oral health significantly influences their overall disease susceptibility.

    In his spare time, Chris enjoys a wide variety of outdoor sporting activities and is happiest when spending time with family and friends at their cabin.

  • Dr. Mark Mullen

    General Dentist

    Dr. Mark Mullen is a hometown boy who was born, raised, and grew up in the community of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. He spent his elementary and high school years in Moose Jaw, then attended the University of Saskatchewan where he completed his Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in Anthropology/Archeology. He graduated from the College of Dentistry at the University of Saskatchewan with his Doctor of Dental Medicine (D.M.D.) degree in 1994. Upon graduation, Dr. Mullen moved to Victoria where he spent three years fulfilling his obligatory service as a Dental Officer in the Canadian Armed Forces. From Victoria, he was posted to Edmonton for only a few short months, then posted back to Moose Jaw to finish his service time with the Canadian Armed Forces. Upon completion of his time at CFB Moose Jaw, Dr. Mullen chose to once again make Moose Jaw his home and began his career in private practice. He took over the practice of his late father Dr. W. J. Mullen, who had practiced dentistry in the Community of Moose Jaw for 49 years.

    Dr. Mullen enjoys all aspects of family Dentistry. Through a combination of his schooling, post-degree training, and extensive clinical experience, he is able to offer many of the more unique and clinically advanced aspects of the profession. These include such treatments as dental implant surgery and implant restorations surgical wisdom tooth extractions, orthodontics (both conventional braces and Invisalign) treatment. Dr. Mullen always strives to interact with people in an empathetic and collaborative manner. Providing excellent care in a patient-centered, friendly environment is a daily goal that Dr. Mullen and his outstanding clinical team are proud to work towards on behalf of their patients.

    Mark is happily married to his wife Carrie, and a proud father to their three children. He takes great pride in watching his children grow into young adults, share in their accomplishments and help guide their way. Mark cherishes time spent with his large extended family and friends, be it at the cottage, on the ski hill, or in the hockey rink, he believes time with the ones you love is always time well spent.

Why Choose Aspen Dental?

What You Get at Our Dental Clinic in Moose Jaw

With our service offering at our dental clinic in Moose Jaw, our team can help keep your smile happy and healthy. 

Preventive Guidance

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Our Dentists

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Full Service Offering

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Current Technology

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Our Location

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Dental Sedation

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Invisalign Provider

A Clear Alternative to Braces

Invisalign clear, custom aligners can be a convenient orthodontic treatment option for busy adults and teens in Moose Jaw.

Invisalign Clear Aligners, Moose Jaw Dentist

About Invisalign

Invisalign works to resolve orthodontic issues with clear, removable aligners.

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Invisalign Clear Aligners, Moose Jaw Dentist

Smile Assessment

Complete our 30-Second Smile Assessment to see if Invisalign might be right for you.

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Preserve Your Oral Health

Oral Surgery in Moose Jaw

From tooth extractions to bone grafts, oral defects, diseases and injuries we can help with a diagnosis and treatment.

Dental issues may need to be diagnosed and treated with oral surgery if other options are not sufficient. Our dentists can diagnose the problem, address your specific case and develop a treatment plan for effective treatment. From tooth extractions to dental implants, bone grafts and more, our dental team can help you protect your oral health.

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Find Us in Moose Jaw

We are located in Moose Jaw, near Elgin Park. Our dental clinic is easily accessible by public transit, and also offers free on-site parking.

Contact & Hours

Frequently Asked Questions

Aiming for a straighter, whiter smile? Our team of dental professionals are here to help.

  • Acceptez-vous la couverture du Régime canadien de soins dentaires (RCSD)?

    Oui notre clinique dentaire à Moose Jaw accepte la couverture du Régime canadien de soins dentaires (RCSD). Pour plus de détails, contactez notre clinique.

  • Acceptez-vous les nouveaux patients?

    Absolument! Nous sommes toujours heureux d’accueillir les nouveaux patients dans notre clinique. Que vous ayez besoin d’un suivi, de traitement pour un problème dentaire spécifique ou que vous souhaitiez explorer des options esthétiques, nous sommes là pour vous offrir des soins dentaires adaptés à vos besoins. Contactez notre clinique pour prendre votre premier rendez-vous. Nous avons hâte de vous rencontrer et de vous aider à obtenir le sourire de vos rêves!

  • Offrez-vous des soins dentaires aux enfants?

    À notre clinique à Moose Jaw, nous sommes fiers d’offrir des soins dentaires complets aux enfants. Notre équipe a de l’expérience avec les jeunes patients et s’efforce de rendre leurs visites chez le dentiste aussi agréables et peu stressantes que possible. Nous proposons une gamme complète de soins dentaires pour accompagner le développement de la santé buccodentaire de votre enfant.

  • Offrez-vous la facturation directe aux assurances?

    Oui, notre clinique à Moose Jaw facture directement votre assureur. Les patients doivent seulement payer les frais non couverts lors de leur rendez-vous. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter notre clinique.

  • Offrez-vous des options de financement?

    Étant donné que les soins dentaires sont très importants pour la santé en général, des options de financement sont disponibles pour certains traitements. Notre équipe à la clinique est prête à parler avec vous de vos choix et à vous accompagner dans la planification de votre traitement. Nous nous engageons à rendre les soins dentaires accessibles et économiquement abordables pour tous ceux qui font partie de notre communauté.

  • Que dois-je faire pour me préparer à mon premier rendez-vous?

    Voici ce que vous et votre famille pouvez faire pour vous préparer à votre premier rendez-vous :

    • Préparez vos cartes d’identité et d’assurance.
    • S’il y a lieu, veuillez remplir tout formulaire d’admission numérique que vous auriez reçu.
    • Apportez une liste des médicaments que vous prenez.
    • Si possible, apportez des copies de vos anciens dossiers dentaires et de vos radiographies.
    • Prévoyez d’arriver environ 10 à 15 minutes en avance pour remplir tout document de dernière minute.
    • Notez toute question ou préoccupation concernant votre santé buccodentaire pour en discuter avec le dentiste.
    En suivant ces étapes, vous pourrez passer une première visite simple et efficace, ce qui vous permettra de discuter de votre santé dentaire avec votre nouveau dentiste.

  • Quels services offrez-vous?

    Bienvenue à notre clinique, où notre équipe dévouée est là pour offrir des soins dentaires personnalisés à toute votre famille. Nous offrons une grande variété de services pour garder vos dents en bonne santé, y compris le blanchiment des dents, la dentisterie pour enfants, les extractions de dents, les facettes, les implants dentaires, et bien d’autres encore. Notre objectif est de créer un environnement confortable et chaleureux où votre bien-être et votre santé dentaire sont notre priorité.

New Patients Always Welcome

Looking for a dentist in Moose Jaw? We're happily accepting new patients at our dental clinic! Contact us to get started today. 

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(306) 692-4050 Request Appointment